On the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time, the holy mother Church invites us to reflect on one of the most important Christian and theological virtues – Faith. It is the foundation of our Christian life. Faith gives us a new vision and version of life.

Without faith, we see only the ugly and dark side of life. Without faith, we remain helpless and slaves to despair and hopelessness. Faith liberates us and helps us to see the power and love of God at work in our lives.

In the first reading of this Sunday, we are reminded of this very popular verse from the book of Habakkuk: “…the just shall live by his faithfulness”. As human beings, at times in life we find ourselves in the shoes of the prophet Habakkuk. We simple find ourselves helpless, and everything goes dark and hope appears hopeless to us. It is part of the process of Christian growth and maturity.

The good news is that God will not fail us if we remain faithful during such moments. He will definitely break his silence at his own, and appropriate time in order to reassure us that He is there for us. Through these words that, “the just shall live by his faithfulness, God simply encourages us to remain faithful in good deeds and actions. This faith in question is a saving faith. The Just here is the one who still perseveres in good deeds. He is the one who still trust in the saving power of God. He is the one who still prays to God.

In today’s Gospel, the Apostles of Christ reminds us of what we should be praying for each day. That is, praying to Christ: “Lord increase our faith. Their humility and acceptance of their lack equally reminds us of the importance of faith in our Christian life and journey.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is always ready to increase our faith. However, we must humbly to ask for it. Second we must make the necessary efforts through our actions.

We need faith in order to preserve in good works. We need it in order to remain steadfast during difficult moments in life. We need more faith in order to trust in God’s will and judgement. So, we must humble ourselves each day to say: “Lord, increase our faith”.